Sunday, September 30, 2018


Well, we found it.  The perfect way to cause a world wide religious event.  They will come from all over the world to see this.  Stamp this into your bread just before dropping in the toaster and serve it up and watch the miracle unfold. 


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Sunday, August 19, 2018

Birthday Gift

Well, I know what your thinking.  This looks like an ordinary coin bank.  In fact, we find it quite delightful.  That's the problem.  I got this (actually this is not the exact item.  I found it in a thrift shop) for my 7th grade birthday from my best friend.  He was so excited to give it to me.  I felt bad and played along like I was excited for the gift.  There were a half dozen other kids there that had given me cool / normal toys for a 7 year old.  I put it on a shelf, forgot about it and played with other toys that day.  Until now, I found it again in a thrift store.  So on this particular piece, I strongly believe my attitude and actions were simply...........TACKY.
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Thursday, August 16, 2018

Solved Mystery

Solved Mystery.  Dinosaur extension.  Yes we found out.  We uncovered this teenage T-Rex close to Glen Rose Texas.  Turns out they were driven into extension by cigarettes.  They were all chain smokers!   

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Sunday, May 6, 2018

Bling Bling

Got these beautiful pieces on a recent trip to New York City.  China Town is the best if you are looking for high fashion jewelry.  After some serious negotiations, and by offering up a volume purchase scenario, we were able to pick these up on the cheap, and I mean cheap.


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Sunday, February 18, 2018

Classic Whoopie Cushion

My all time favorite practical joke.  And who says we don't have a sense of humor?  Here is a great gift idea for you.  Put one of these in a birthday card and write in "Hey..... you really are a GAS!"  Enjoy!
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Pink Flamingo Air Freshener

Brought to you again by those creatively innovated  people who make the little tree air fresheners.  We love these little guys..................
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Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Large Mouth Bass Air Freshner

Brought to you by the creative folks that make the tree air freshers.  What could say I'm a Bubba more clearly than a large mouth bass hanging from your rear view mirror.  How creative!  I can see and hear Jimmy Houston now wearing his old folks wrap around shades and goofy laugh saying - Wow I have one just like this in my truck!  The fresher wore out but the fish is still standing tall and proud.  I just throw a couple of Vanillarama's under the seat and we are Good to Go!
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